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Photography & Art

Amie Barron

Nacho likes to think he is the David Gandy of Norfolk Terriers, and Amie Barron turns his daily cuteness into works of art. The photos she took of Nacho are absolutely pawsome! She somehow captured his charm, his sass, and his adorable fluff all in one shot. What Nacho loved most is how relaxed she made him feel—Nacho didn’t even have to work hard to look good (which is a huge bonus).

I’m not just a dog photographer. I think - actually - I know that I am every dog’s best friend. Through my kindness, compassion and consent-based approach, I work ethically to capture your dog’s uniqueness and create beautiful dog portraits immortalised as luxury artwork pieces for your home. As an inclusive dog photographer, no dog is too reactive, too sick or too challenging for me.
I believe so strongly in the philosophy of ‘no dog left behind’. It’s that simple for me because I haven’t yet met a dog that I have not been able to understand and communicate with to get the very best out of them. I feel so passionately about creating a culture of inclusivity around dogs, especially dogs who are reactive, unwell, older, or considered by some (but not me!) to be “difficult”.

In photographing all different personalities and quirks of dogs, I aim to surprise you with awe-inspiring images of your own dog that you never thought were achievable. My goal is for you to leave your portrait session thinking, “I cannot believe my dog was able to pose like that!” and to view your session images completely filled with reverence for your dog.

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